LOL Now what is wrong with that combo? I like it a lot. Its good to learn on if nothing else, check it out some time Tony
When our servers get like that I cant take it either. I usually just spectate and watch for abusers so I can practice my seldom used kick/ban procedure
I don't mean to complain and please dont take it that way, but I wanted to let you know... I cannot stay up that late due to the time I have to get up in the morning. I understand about the west coast guys and the time difference and all. I guess I will have to wait till you have one on the weekend or something. Bummer.....
That was your dog? Man you should have seen the vet bill to stitch that sucker back together!!
He turns faster lap times now so I guess it was worth it
Yea I cant see that either. I got yelled at the other day because I was faster than the leader. I got taken out and after pitting I caught the leader. Even though I was faster but one lap down, I got yelled at and threatened so I just said... bite me and found somewhere else to race. If I were the leader I would have just said ... come on! and did some drafting with the guy if I could keep up.
I didn't mean different levels of damage... not at all
Just that it would cost you points to get your damage fixed
Perhaps there should be a limit too.... you have to have XXX number of points or you cannot connect to the advanced servers. Would help to keep wreckers out
There are good places to be had where good racing exists, but that aside.....
Maybe we can put these useless points to work in this aspect. Create a new server area so then we would have.... demo, main, advanced servers to choose from.
In the Advanced server connections it would cost you points to get your car fixed when you crash. If you run low on points you could go back to the main servers and win some races to build up your points again.
I would like to see the ability to create subfolders from within the garage area that you can save your sets for various tracks in. For example, make a folder labled AS1 and save all of your sets for AS1 in that folder. I am sure others besides me have quite a collection of sets and it can be confusing which one is which sometimes.